
Difference between Import and Export

Difference between Import and Export
Difference between Import and Export

When an international sale operation is carried out there are two factors, the buyer and the seller or importer and exporter. Both members participate in an import and export process in which a contract is signed through which it is mutually agreed to send the goods to the other in exchange for money or another good of equal value.

This is the main difference between imports and export. To understand it better, it is important to know the concept of both terms.

There is confusion between both terms if a company or organization is in charge of importing and exporting, however, the difference between the two persists.

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During importation, the goods are transported to the country or to the recipient of the goods or services.

The merchandise generally crosses the border of the buyer’s country. Generally, a country or buyer imports a good from abroad.


Exporting is sending a good or service outside the national territory. Export is the legitimate traffic of a good or service from one customs zone to another.

Export is considered the exit of a good or service out of a State or economic block.

These are carried out under specific conditions, the complexity of the laws, and special conditions that govern exports can give rise to various fiscal phenomena that depend on each State.

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Difference between Import and Export

  • Export is the exit of a good or service outside the borders of a State or economic bloc following laws and fiscal phenomena established by the legislative system of each country.
  • Import and export are activities that are carried out simultaneously, the buyer imports a product while the seller exports it.
  • Import is the purchase of a product or its entry through the border of a State or economic bloc.

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