
Difference Between Kinematics And Dynamics in Tabular form

difference between kinematics and dynamics
Kinematics Vs Dynamics

Perhaps you ever wondered (as I did) what is the difference between Kinematics and Dynamics, or perhaps that difference was not entirely clear to you. Well, a short explanation easy to understand.

The kinematics is the part of classical mechanics that studies the laws of motion of bodies without taking into account the causes that produce essentially limited to the study of history based on time. Kinematics derives from the Greek word κινεω (Kineo) which means to move.

The dynamics are the part of physics that describes the evolution over time of a physical system in relation to the causes that cause changes in the physical state and/or state of movement. The objective of dynamics is to describe the factors capable of producing alterations in a physical system, quantify them, and propose equations of motion or equations of evolution for said system.

If you are still confused to differentiate between Kinematics and Dynamics, then see the following comparison table:

Difference between kinematics and dynamics in tabular form



1. It is a branch of physics which deals

With the motion of the objects without regarding force.



It is a branch of physics that deals with the causes of motion.


2. In kinematics, we study the position and motion of an object in space at a certain time without considering the cause of motion. 2. In dynamics, we study the pushes or

pulls which cause or resist the motion.

Kinematic Definition

The word kinematics is derived from the Greek word kinema meaning motion.

Main Topics of Kinematics

  • Motion
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • acceleration
  • Equations of motion
  • Projectile motion
  • Relative motion

Dynamics Definition

The word dynamics is taken from a Greek word dynamic meaning power.

  • Force
  • Newton’s first law of motion
  • newton’s second law
  • Newton’s third law
  • Inertia
  • Momentum
  • The relation between force and momentum
  • Friction
  • Centripetal force

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