
Differences between Protector and blocker

Differences between Protector and blocker
Differences between Protector and blocker

Protector and blocker is a substance that is applied to the skin and prevents or reduces burns caused by exposure to the sun. Sunscreen reflects and blocks UV radiation and one of its main components is zinc oxide.


Blocker is a lotion, gel, spray, or product that is applied to the skin and prevents or reduces burns caused by exposure to the sun. No protector can offer 100% absolute protection.

Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes to 2 hours before going out in the sun. They must be reapplied 80 minutes after being in the water, after having perspired or, every 2 hours if you are out of the water or have not perspired.

The European Commission defines sunscreen as any preparation (cream, oil, spray or gel) that, when applied to human skin, has the sole purpose of protecting it from UV radiation by absorbing, dispersing or reflecting it.

Sunscreens are chemical filters, that is, they absorb solar radiation and transform it into a type of energy that is not harmful to the skin.


Protector It is a product that reflects and blocks UV radiation. It is a thick and greasy substance that is not pleasant for many people. In addition, it can be counterproductive for those who suffer from oily skin and acne. However, new formulas are almost invisible and continue to fulfill their blocking function.

Sunscreen has SPF (sun protection factor), a measure of the absorption of UV rays and tells us how long we can expose ourselves to the sun without suffering burns.

It should be applied 30 minutes before exposing ourselves to the sun and reapplied every 2 to 4 hours or whenever water, sweat or the use of a towel remove it from the skin.

Blockers are physical filters or total screens and their function is to reflect solar radiation, preventing it from penetrating the skin. They use titanium dioxide.

suggested video: Protector and blocker

Differences between Protector and blocker

  • Sunscreen is a product that offers chemical protection and reduces the number of UV rays that enter the skin. This product absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
  • The blocker prevents radiation from reaching the skin by completely blocking the radiation.

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