
Satin and matte

Differences between Satin and Matte
Differences between Satin and Matte

The Differences between Satin and Matte. Satin are two characteristics of colors and paints that indicate their level of gloss. Satin indicates an intermediate finish between glossy and opaque while matte is an opaque color.

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It is that finish that is between finished and intermediate in terms of gloss. It has special characteristics that improve the appearance of the walls and the decoration in general.

The satin finish reflects more light and favors ambient lighting. It is easy to clean finish and is visually pleasing in appearance. Improves environments allowing them to look delicate and original due to its silky appearance.

It is a type of paint that must be applied quickly and on each wall, to avoid brush or paint roller marks, as these will become visible. The last coat of paint is decisive because when reviewing imperfections these will be noticed to a great extent.


It is a dull type of paint. It is ideal for various finishes such as the ceiling or walls that are completely smooth.

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Differences between Satin and Matte

The paint, whether oil or water-based, is available in various gloss, the most prominent being the satin and matte finishes.

Matte paint has no gloss and is perfect for ceilings, walls with imperfections, or that are not smooth. Matte tones make dirt easier to see and it is not an easy paint to wash off.

Satin paint is one that has a slight shine and is washable. It is a silky shade and reflects light, making it ideal for spaces that we want to keep illuminated. It is not suitable for walls that are not perfectly smooth or have small defects. It is ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and hallways. Highlight the color.

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