
Syntax and semantics

Difference between Syntax and Semantics
Difference between Syntax and Semantics

The Difference between Syntax and Semantics is given here. They are terms that are often confused. The syntax is part of grammar while semantics is part of linguistics. The first studies the rules and principles that govern the union of sentences, while semantics is related to the interpretation and meaning of the signs of a language.

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The syntax is the part of grammar responsible for studying the rules and principles that govern the combination of units superior to syntactic constituents such as syntagmas and grammatical sentences. Study the way in which words are combined and the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships that they maintain between them.

Within a sentence, words form hierarchical groupings known as syntactic constituents. Not just any set forms a constituent, only those groups that fulfill a recognizable function.

From these groupings, the syntactic tree emerges, which organizes the set of syntactic constituents representing the hierarchy between them.


Semantics refers to the meanings, meanings, and interpretations of linguistic signs such as expressions, words, or formal representations. It defines how the expressions of a language admit correspondence with situations or sets that are found in reality or in an abstract world in order to express them.

It is studied from various points of view:

Linguistic semantics: Which is responsible for the encoding and decoding of linguistic structures. Study the lexical forms, structures of expressions, and their relationship.

Logical semantics: It is in charge of developing logical problems of meaning and studies the relationship between linguistic signs and reality.

Semantics in cognitive sciences: It explains why we communicate and the psychic mechanism that is established between speaker and listener.

suggested video: Syntax and Semantics

Difference between Syntax and Semantics

  • The syntax evaluates how words or phrases are organized into the main phrase.
  • Semantics carries out the study of individual words and how they are perceived.
  • The syntax is related to the grammar, writing, punctuation, and other elements of a language.
  • Semantics are related to verbal symbols or elements and images.

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