
Difference Between Grazing and Detritus Food Chain

Food chain The sequence of movement of materials and energy in the form of food from one organism to another. Food chains partially overlap with food webs because most organisms feed on more than one species of animal or plant. Plants that convert solar energy into food through photosynthesis are the main food sources.

In a predatory food chain, a herbivore is often eaten by a carnivore. In an insect food chain, a smaller organism consumes part of a larger niche and can be consumed by smaller organisms as well.

Difference Between Grazing and Detritus Food Chain

Similarly, microorganisms in saprophytic diets live on dead organisms. The diet always starts with the producers and ends with the apex predators.

What is Grazing Food Chain?

As we know, the main source of energy is the sun. Plants transform solar energy into food through the process of photosynthesis. This is the beginning of the Charyahara course.

The food chain in which organisms obtain energy originates from photosynthesis; Livestock is called the food chain.

Raising food starts with green plants because they are fruitful and can photosynthesize. Then, energy is transferred from green plants to herbivores. In forage food, the sun is the ultimate or primary source of energy.

A grazing food chain is a type of food chain where energy transfer occurs between the lowest food items.

Examples of grazing food chain are:

Phytoplankton  → small fish → Large Fish

The above feed is an example of aquaculture. Here we can see that phytoplankton which are aquatic plants are eaten by smaller fish which are eaten by larger fish.

Grass → Deer → Lion/Tiger

What is Detritus Food Chain?

Dead plants or animals are the main source of nutrients in the remnant diet. The rest of the food web is not dependent on solar energy. Organisms that derive energy from dead plant and animal remains are known as decomposers or decomposers.

In the scrap food chain, energy is first transferred from dead plant and animal remains to decaying matter and then to animals that eat the decaying matter.

Examples of detritus food chain are:

Dead organic matter → microorganisms → decomposers.

Here the food chain begins with the remains of dead plants and animals, which are eaten by bacteria, fungi and other parasites. The bacteria are eaten by snails, worms and other decomposers, and then by other large animals that cause decay.

Difference Between Grazing and Detritus Food Chain

Grazing food chain

Detritus food chain


In this food chain, producers serves as the primary source of energy and constitute the first trophic level. In this food chain, dead and decaying matter serves as the primary source of energy. Detritivores feed on this matter and releases the nutrients back into the atmosphere.

Source of Energy

Energy for the grazing food chain is obtained directly from the sunlight. Energy for the detritus food chain is obtained from the organic debris

Food Chain

A grazing food chain is usually larger compared to the detritus food chain. Detritus food chain is usually smaller compared to the grazing food chain.

Role in the Food chain

Grazing food chain helps in adding energy. Detritus food chain helps in fixing inorganic nutrients.


Grazing food chain involves all macroscopic organisms. Detritus food chain involves subsoil organisms, which can be macroscopic or microscopic.


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