
Lake and lagoon

Differences between the Lake and Lagoon
Differences between the Lake and Lagoon

The Differences between the Lake and Lagoon is given here. It is common to confuse the terms between lake and lagoon. However, they are two completely different bodies of water.

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A lake is a large body of generally freshwater that is separated from the sea. The water contribution comes from rivers, groundwater, and precipitation.

They are formed in depressions in the ground created by various geological processes such as mass movements, volcanism, tectonic movements, glaciers, and even meteorite impacts. There are also artificial lakes created to build a dam.

If a large lake has no outlet to the sea, it is known as a closed sea. Lakes are dynamic systems that evolve and can become ponds, swamps, or humid forests, which are the product of the sedimentation of the lake over time.

As the lakes are deeper they possess more thermal and chemical inertia avoiding being affected by environmental changes.


The lagoons are natural deposits of water that are separated from the sea and that are smaller and less deep than a lake. Its waters can be sweet, brackish, and salty.

Another classification affirms that the lagoons are polymictic lakes, shallow lakes or lakes of the third order, that is, shallow environments with a certain salinity and water with variable levels of nutrients (eutrophic) and sediments.

The lagoons are very productive due to their greater contact with the water surface with sediments due to their shallow depth. Its shallow depth also allows the sun to reach the bottom, preventing thermal strata from forming.

suggested video: Lake vs Lagoon

Differences between the Lake and Lagoon

  • The lagoon is shallower than a lake, the meters that differentiate a lake from a lagoon will vary according to environmental conditions and its accumulation of sediments. It also depends on the doctrines to which the specialists adhere.
  • In the lagoons, plants with roots can develop from one end to the other while in the lakes they only form at the edges or margins.

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