Healthy Foods and Vitamins

Where is Iron Found in Food?

Sources of Iron in Food

Iron can be found in two forms, one of which is from an animal source and is called heme iron, and the other is from a plant source and is called non-heme iron.

It is worth noting that the absorption of iron found in animal sources is It is easier to absorb than that found in plant sources, so vegetarian people are advised to pay more attention to their diet in order to obtain a sufficient amount of iron.

Where is iron found in food

Animal Sources of Iron

Seafood: Bivalvia, such as oysters, obligate oysters, and mussels, contain large amounts of iron. For example, five medium-sized pieces of oysters contain more than three milligrams of iron, and finned fish also contain: Fin Fish (such as salmon , tuna, and haddock) contain iron, but in smaller amounts than those found in mollusks.

Organ meat: Organ meat, such as liver, contains a high amount of beneficial nutrients, including iron. For example, 85 grams of beef liver contains 4.15 milligrams of iron, while the same amount of chicken liver contains 7.62 milligrams of it.

Eggs: Eggs, depending on how they are cooked, contain a good amount of iron, which can be increased by eating them with white bread or wheat bread, while drinking coffee or tea reduces the absorption of the iron in eggs.

Red meat: Red meat is a source of iron that is easy to obtain, and this makes it a suitable food for people at risk of anemia. For example, every 100 grams of minced meat contains 2.7 milligrams of iron, which is equivalent to 15% of the daily recommended amount of it. It has been shown A systematic review of several studies published in the journal Nutrients in 2016 found that people who eat red meat and fish have a reduced risk of iron deficiency in the body.

Plant Sources of Iron

Vegetables contain a high amount of iron, which usually exceeds that found in animal sources, but it is of the non-heme type, which is difficult to absorb in the body.

It is worth noting that most types of vegetables rich in iron also contain vitamin C, which increases the body’s ability to absorb iron. The following are some types of vegetables rich in iron:

Leafy vegetables: One cup of leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, chard, and beet leaves contains an amount ranging from 2.5 to 6.4 milligrams of iron, which covers 14% to 36% of the daily recommended amount of it.

Tomato paste: A cup of fresh tomatoes contains a small amount of iron, amounting to 0.5 milligrams, but it increases when dried or concentrated, as every half cup of sun-dried tomatoes contains an amount ranging from 1.3 to 2.5 milligrams of iron, which constitutes… It is 14% of the daily recommended amount.

Potatoes: Potatoes contain a good amount of iron, most of which is concentrated in the peel. A large, unpeeled potato contains 3.2 milligrams of iron.

Mushrooms: Some types of mushrooms contain a high amount of iron. For example, one cup of white mushrooms contains about 2.7 milligrams of iron, while oyster mushrooms contain approximately twice this amount.

kernel: or so-called jamar (Palm Hearts); It is the growing tip of the palm tree that is at the top of the trunk. This core is rich in fiber, potassium , magnesium, vitamin C, and folate. It also contains a good amount of iron. One cup contains 4.6 milligrams of it, or the equivalent of 26% of the daily recommended amount of it.

Iron-Rich Fruits

Dried peaches and their juice: Dried peach juice is a rich source of iron, as it can help treat and prevent iron deficiency. Half a cup of it contains three milligrams of iron, and half a cup of fresh peaches contains 0.81 milligrams of iron.

, or the equivalent of 5% of the daily recommended amount of it. [9] Watermelon: Watermelon is a refreshing summer fruit rich in iron, as one small slice of it contains 0.69 milligrams of iron.

Grains and Legumes Rich in Iron

Chickpeas: Chickpeas contain a good amount of iron, which may reach five milligrams per cup. They are also a rich source of protein, which makes them a suitable food for vegetarians, as they can be added to salad and pasta dishes, and lemon juice is also added to them to help the body absorb iron. located in it.

White beans: White beans contain the largest amount of iron compared to other beans. One cup of them contains 5.08 milligrams of iron.

Canned white beans are also a good source of iron, but it is worth paying attention to the amount of sodium in them, which is often used as a preservative for canned foods. There are many ways to use it; It can be added to salad, soup, stew, or pasta dishes.

Seeds: such as pumpkin seeds, sesame, hemp, and flax seeds , are among the richest seeds in iron, as every two tablespoons of them contain an amount ranging between 1.2-4.2 milligrams of iron, or the equivalent of 7% to 23% of the daily recommended amount of it.

Lentils: Lentils are foods rich in iron, as each cooked cup contains 6.6 milligrams of iron. They are also a good source of protein, complex carbohydrates, fibre, folate, and manganese.

Soybeans and their products: including: tofu, tempeh, and natto, which are foods derived from soybeans and are characterized by being rich in iron. One cup of soybeans contains about 8.8 milligrams of it, and the same amount of natto – which is a product prepared by fermenting soybeans – contains 15 milligrams of iron.

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I am Khaliq Alvi. Currently I am doing P.hd on Human Nutrition and Dietetics from Sorbonne University. Previously, I have also done masters in Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology.

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