
Difference Between Compost and Vermicompost

Long-term maintenance of rich soil using only natural products is one of the main goals of organic farming. Continuous addition of compost is one of the most effective methods of increasing soil organic matter in open fields and playgrounds.

Seed is a natural source of fertilizing life. It lives on the soil and feeds on decaying organic matter to produce nutrients in the soil.

Difference Between Compost and Vermicompost

What is Compost?

In composting, a mixture of “greens” and “browns” is collected in its basic stage. Plant vegetables are nitrogenous materials, such as leaves, grass and food scraps.

Pillars, paper, and wood chips are examples of browns, which are high carbon wood products. The decomposition process is aided by shredding plant waste, adding water, and maintaining fresh air by constantly mixing the material in a process that uses free piles or “windros”.

Organic matter is further broken down by fungi, ketchup worms and other perishable foods. Aerobic bacteria and fungi control chemical reactions by modifying inputs of heat, carbon dioxide and ammonium.

Because composting reduces methane production and provides economic and environmental benefits, organic waste is an environmentally friendly alternative to landfill.

What is Vermicompost?

Vermicomposting is how ketchup worms can be used to create plant-friendly compost. Using agricultural waste for better composting and recycling is one of the easiest options. Worms eat plant material and spread it as wormholes, a digestible species. People often call wormholes “black gold.”

Discarded material contains nutrients, plant growth material, and beneficial soil microorganisms.

Difference Between Compost and Vermicompost




It is produced using all types of wastes. It is produced from organic wastes.

Nutrients Content

Nutrients content is less. Nutrients content is more.

Space Requirement

Requirement of more space. Requirement of lesser space.

Organic Remains

Organic remains are decomposed by microbes. Organic remains are pulverized by earthworms.

Type of Microbes

Thermophilic bacteria. Mesophilic bacteria.

Time Requirement

Consumes more time in the production of compost. Consume less time, as it produces compost faster.

Minerals Supplements

Rich in both micronutrients and trace minerals. Rich in hormones, micronutrients and trace minerals.

Plant Growth Regulators

Plant growth regulators are absent. Plant growth regulators are present.

Labours and Maintenance

Requires more labourers and more maintenance. Requires fewer labourers and less maintenance.

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