
Difference Between Flora and Fauna

The difference between Flora and Fauna is obvious and any elementary school student will be able to differentiate the two. A plant refers to all organisms that can assimilate their food and are usually fixed. And this includes mostly all plants, trees and shrubs, etc. Organisms are then classified into organisms that must obtain food and move normally.

As mentioned earlier, plants and animals together can be used to describe different species of plants and animals in an ecosystem. These words are quoted from various languages. We discuss the meaning of these terms separately.

Difference Between Flora and Fauna

The word “flora” means “goddess of flowers” in Latin. Most scientific terms are borrowed from Latin and then adapted. Vegetation is used as a collective term to refer to the plant life present in an area.

The entire plant kingdom can also be represented by this term. The condition is classified according to various factors like topography, climate etc.

This means that the plants that grow in the desert will certainly be different from those species that grow in the delta. You may have studied the species of plants in various parts of our world.

It all depends on the nature of the area. Plants grow and develop new adaptations to cope with the conditions of local communities. This is what makes the difference.

A living creature, on the other hand, comes from the Roman word ‘faunus’. ‘for the spirit of the forest’. It represents an entire animal kingdom or species in a region.

Like plants, local animal species differ from other regions in traits and characteristics. Animals were then classified according to the different characteristics that developed during the growing season in that area.

It is much more complicated than classifying the plant kingdom. For example, fish are considered piscifauna. Birds fall when there are no animals. Microorganisms are locally called microorganisms. These undiscovered species are called cryptofauna.

Both plants and animals are important in maintaining the balance of nature. Plants produce food and are considered as producers while living organisms are primary, secondary and tertiary resources.

This is how we can distinguish between plants and animals. You can look at the differences tabulated by the experts to better understand the concepts and answer the questions correctly.

Difference Between Flora and Fauna

Flora Fauna
Represents all plant life Represents all animal life
Almost all members can make their own food Have to acquire food from plants or other animals
Lacks mobility Members are mobile
Has a cell wall Doesn’t have a cell wall
Examples of flora include palm trees, grass, sunflowers, etc. Fauna includes lions, tigers, bears, cows etc.

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