Healthy Foods and Vitamins

Where are Calcium and Magnesium Found

Some foods can contain both magnesium and calcium, such as: canned white beans, half a cup of which contains 67 milligrams of magnesium and 96 milligrams of calcium, in addition to cooked spinach, half a cup of which contains 78 milligrams of magnesium and 146 milligrams of calcium. Milligrams of calcium.

Where are calcium and magnesium found

Foods Containing Calcium

Calcium can be obtained from many foods and drinks, as milk, dairy products, and fish bones, such as those found in canned salmon and canned sardines, in addition to leafy vegetables are the best sources of calcium, along with some Other sources, such as: Chinese cabbage, broccoli, and kale, in addition to foods fortified with calcium such as fruit juices, drinks, cereals, and tofu.

The following table shows the foods that contain calcium, the size of one serving, and the amount of calcium in them:

Foods Containing Magnesium

Magnesium is available in many foods, such as: dark leafy vegetables, whole wheat bread, dark chocolate, and fatty fish such as salmon, bananas, and avocados.

Nuts are also natural sources that contain a large amount of magnesium, including cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts, In addition, half a cup of peeled and cooked edamame beans contains 50 milligrams of magnesium, and a cup of cooked quinoa contains 118 milligrams of magnesium.

The Relationship Between Calcium and Magnesium

Both magnesium and calcium work together to maintain bone strength. Magnesium and calcium metabolism are closely linked, in addition to the intestinal absorption (Intestinal Absorption) and renal excretion (in English: Renal Excretion) of the ions of these two minerals.

Magnesium has a role In the process of transferring calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, in order to deliver nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and maintain normal heart rhythms, it is also an essential element that the heart, muscles, and kidneys need to work properly.

In addition, magnesium helps It builds bones and teeth, and maintains appropriate levels of other minerals such as calcium, potassium, and zinc, in addition to its effect on bone absorption of calcium. It may also have an effect on bone metabolism.

Calcium and Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can lead to hypocalcemia, which leads to muscle spasms. Therefore, to alleviate this condition, the deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body must be compensated.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency may be accompanied by some symptoms and indications, and these symptoms vary in terms of their severity, as they are mild in severity if the calcium deficiency in the blood is slight, and they are severe and acute and may pose a threat to life if the calcium deficiency is chronic, and among the most prominent symptoms are Calcium deficiency is the following:

Feeling extremely tired. Premenstrual syndrome. Dental problems. Depression . A group of symptoms appear on the nails and skin.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Signs of magnesium deficiency begin with loss of appetite, nausea, a feeling of fatigue, and vomiting. The deficiency can also cause a feeling of numbness or tingling, headaches, migraines, and constipation, in addition to personality changes. A low level of magnesium is usually associated with several negative outcomes.

It affects health, such as feeling weak, depression, and high blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency can also lead to muscle spasm, seizures, and irregular heartbeat, in addition to coronary spasm.

Treatment of Calcium and Magnesium Deficiency

Treating magnesium deficiency alone without treating calcium deficiency can exacerbate the condition of calcium deficiency, because magnesium is related to calcium, and in the case of hypo magnesium blood, an examination is often performed for the deficiency of some other minerals at the same time, as its deficiency is linked to the deficiency of these minerals, so It is possible to treat all mineral deficiencies together, as it is common to receive treatment for calcium and magnesium deficiency together.

Treatment of Calcium Deficiency

It is often easy to treat calcium deficiency, as this can be done by increasing the amount of calcium in the diet . It should be noted that it should not be treated on its own and taking calcium supplements in abundance, as taking doses larger than the amount recommended by the doctor may lead to Serious problems may occur, such as the formation of kidney stones.

In some cases, taking nutritional supplements with the additional amount of calcium in the diet may not be a sufficient solution to treat the deficiency in calcium levels, as there may be a need to treat the severe deficiency by injecting calcium under the supervision of a doctor.

It is possible that a lack of calcium in the long term can lead to a decrease in mineral density within the bones, or as it is known as the condition of osteopenia (Osteopenia), and dietary calcium supplements are the solution and the standard followed to reduce the decrease in bone density and osteoporosis (osteoporosis). represented by weak bones and their ease of fracture.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. It is also found in some foods , and may be added to other foods, in addition to being available as a nutritional supplement, and in some medications such as antacids.

It is worth noting that approximately 99% of calcium It is found in the body in the bones and teeth. It is necessary for building bones and maintaining their health. It is also necessary for blood clotting, heartbeat, and muscle contraction and relaxation.

As for magnesium, it is an electrolyte mineral. It is involved in many vital functions in the body, and care must be taken to consume it as an essential part of the diet , given that the body cannot manufacture it.

The importance of magnesium is highlighted in its multiple functions, as it supports the immune system. It regulates blood pressure, and is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions, in addition to helping muscles and nerves perform their functions.

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I am Khaliq Alvi. Currently I am doing P.hd on Human Nutrition and Dietetics from Sorbonne University. Previously, I have also done masters in Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology.

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