
Pathology and disease

Differences between Pathology and Disease
Differences between Pathology and Disease

Pathology is the branch of medicine that studies diseases, their nature, and characteristics, while the disease is the deviation from the normal physiological state, it is one or more parts of the body due to causes that may or may not be known and manifests themselves with characteristic symptoms.

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What is Pathology?

It is the branch of medicine that is responsible for studying diseases in people, and in the case of veterinary pathology, in animals. It studies the structural, biochemical, and functional changes caused by diseases that affect cells, tissues, and organs.

It uses microbiological, molecular, immunological, and morphological tools to explain the etiology and clinical manifestations that patients present while proposing bases for the treatment and prophylaxis of diseases.

It is divided into general pathology that studies the reactions of cells and tissues before abnormal stimuli and genetic problems; and systemic pathology that analyzes alterations in specialized tissues and organs.

What is a Disease?

It is the alteration of the physiological state in one or more parts of the body due to causes that may or may not be known and are manifested by typical symptoms and signs and whose evolution may be more or less predictable.

suggested video: Pathology vs Disease

Differences between Pathology and Disease

  • Pathology is a science and cannot be used to define the disease.
  • Diseases are the object of the study of pathology.
  • Pathology is the branch of medicine that studies and investigates the characteristics of each disease, the process they develop, and their components, as well as the effects they cause on the biology of the affected organism.
  • Diseases are alterations of our natural state in which various parts of the body can be affected. They are manifested by typical symptoms and signs whose evolution can be predictable.

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