
Difference Between Chordates and Non-chordates

Vertebrates and invertebrates differ mainly in the presence or absence of a basic structure called a notochord at some point in their life cycle but there are many other differences that distinguish these two groups of organisms. Read on to learn the difference between chordate and chordate.

Difference Between Chordates and Non-chordates

What is Chordates?

The notochord, dorsal hollow neural cord, pharyngeal slit, and anus-postcaudal are four main features that occur at some point in the development of the Chordata It is important to note that some of these features occur in certain animals in embryonic developmental stages. Characteristic features of chordates are briefly discussed below.

What is Non-chordates?

To better understand the difference between wire and wire, let’s look at the basic properties of wire. Chordates are animals that lack the rod-like structure of a notochord.

The genus mainly consists of members of the genera Porifera, Hemichordata, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Annelida, Askelminthes, Platyhelminthes, Ctenophora, Coelenterata etc. This category is organized at the level of the organ system.

The main elements of this Agreement are set out below.

Difference Between Chordates and Non-chordates

Chordates Non-chordates


Present (at least in one stage in their lifecycle) Absent. Non-chordates do not have a

Cold Blooded/Warm Blooded

Chordates can either be cold-blooded or warm-blooded All non-chordates are cold-blooded

Mode of Respiration

Respiration occurs either through lungs or gills Non-chordates respire through tracheae, gills or body surface

Presence of Haemoglobin

Present Absent. Hemolymph is present, which is analogous to blood in the vertebrates

Germ Layer

Chordates are triploblastic Non-chordates can either be triploblastic, diploblastic, or neither


Chordates are bilaterally symmetric Non-chordates can either be bilateral, radial, bi-radial, or asymmetrical.


True coelomates Can be either true coelomates, acoelomates, pseudocoelomates.

Tail (post-anal)

Usually present Absent


Present in some animals, such as tortoises. Present


Present Absent


Mostly poor Mostly good

Nerve Chord

Dorsal, single, without ganglia Ventral, double, usually bears ganglia

Blood Circulation

Closed Usually open circulation


It is differentiated and opens before the last segment Usually absent. If present, it opens on the last segment


Present, dorsal to pharynx in head Present in some cases, but nowhere as complex as the brain in chordates.


Organ-system Protoplasmic to organ-system


Ventrally placed Absent. Dorsal/ lateral placement if present


Mammals Arthropods


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