
Difference between Bone and Cartilage in tabular form

Bones are rigid organs that make up the endoskeleton of vertebrate animals. Cartilage is a specialized type of elastic, bloodless connective tissue made up of scattered cells known as chondrocytes.


Bones are rigid organs that make up the skeleton of vertebrate animals. They have several functions and among them, they stand out: They form a solid structure to support the body, protect sensitive organs, make movement possible because they act as a place of insertion to the muscles, and produce the cells that are part of the blood. The organized set of bones is known as the skeleton or skeletal system. Each one has a particular function and is related to the pieces to which it is articulated.

There are different types of tissue in bones. The main one is bone tissue, followed by fibrous connective tissue, which is covered by cartilaginous tissue in the joints. Inside the bones is the bone marrow, responsible for producing blood cells and adipose tissue.


It is a type of specialized connective tissue that does not have blood vessels and is elastic. It is formed by an extracellular matrix and by dispersed cells known as chondrocytes. The outer part of the cartilage is known as the perichondrium and is responsible for providing vital support to the chondrocytes. Cartilage can be found in the joints, at the junction between the ribs and the sternum, as a reinforcement in the trachea and bronchi, in the nasal septum, and in the outer ear. There are 3 types of cartilage tissue: Hyaline Cartilage: found in the nasal structure, larynx, trachea, bronchi, ribs, and bone joint tips. It is bluish-white in color and is nourished with synovial fluid. Fibrous cartilage or fibrocartilage: It is found on the edges of the joints, in the discs located between the vertebrae, the menisci, the discs of the joint group, and in the spaces where the tendons and ligaments are located. Elastic Cartilage: Found in the larynx, Eustachian tube, and outer ear. It has a yellowish hue.

Difference between Bone and Cartilage

  • Bones are hard tissue that is part of the skeletal structure of the body.
  • Bones are classified as long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid, and sutural.
  • Bones protect organs from mechanical damage, allow movement, shape the body, store minerals, and produce red and white cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes).
  • Cartilage is elastic tissues and is found in the ears, nose, and joints.
  • The function of cartilage is to cover the endings of the bones, absorb the force of shocks, and prevent the bones from rubbing against each other.
  • There are different types of cartilage: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage.

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