
What is difference between Regulator and surge suppressor?

A voltage regulator is an electronic device that is designed to maintain a constant voltage level while a voltage surge suppressor is a device that diverts energy by cutting off the peak value of the voltage wave by diverting excess energy and maintaining the transient free voltage.


It is an electronic device that has been designed to keep tension at a constant level. Regulators are found in devices such as computer power supplies where they have the function of stabilizing the direct current voltages used by the processor and other elements.

Voltage regulators in cars and plants regulate the voltage and control the current output. They are also usually installed in substations or next to distribution lines to ensure that consumers receive a constant voltage regardless of the power that exists in the line.

Surge suppressor

A voltage surge suppressor is a power diversion device by clipping the peak value of the voltage waveform by diverting the power so as not to damage the sensitive load and keep it free of transients. Its purpose is to protect sensitive electronic equipment from damage by voltage spikes or lightning.

Differences between Regulator and Surge Suppressor

  • A surge suppressor or transient surge suppressor detects a transient overvoltage, suppresses it, and sends it to the ground to prevent this spike from reaching sensitive equipment. They absorb excess voltage and prevent it from reaching the equipment. They have limited capacity and must be replaced when they reach it.
  • A regulator regulates the voltage it receives at the input and takes it to a parameter determining maintaining a constant or regulated voltage output. They protect electrical equipment against voltage variations and power failures.

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