
Difference Between Axon and Dendrites

There are two very different and important parts of a nerve cell: axons and dendrites. These two cellular components are responsible for transmitting electrical signals with other nerve cells. Read on to learn how these two structures differ from each other and their unique function

difference between dendrites and dendron

What is Axon?

An axon is a long thin nerve fiber that carries electrical impulses away from the nerve cell body. It acts as an important means of transmitting signals to other nerves, muscle cells or glands.

The axon is covered with myelin, which helps resist electrical energy and facilitate conduction.

What is Dendrites?

A dendrite is a small branching extension of a neuron that receives signals from other neurons. Dendrites play an important role in storing and integrating synaptic input, allowing neurons to process information and communicate with other cells.

Difference Between Axon and Dendrites




Only one axon per nerve cell Many dendrites in a nerve cell

Arises From

The discharging end of a neuron The receiving end of a neuron


Longer than dendrites Comparatively shorter than axons


Uniformly thick throughout its length Edges taper off into branch-like structures


Present Present

Nissl’s Granules

Absent Present

Direction of Conduction

Conducts impulses away from the cell body (soma) Conducts impulses towards the cell body
The terminal branches end in a knot Knots are not formed

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